National Childrens Dental Health Month

Oral health is important, especially for young ones as their teeth are only starting to grow. When kept unclean, long-term effects or conditions may arise, including bad breath or halitosis.


If you don't want your kid to suffer from such conditions that may affect both their health and self-confidence, it is best to start the habit of cleaning the teeth and mouth as early as possible.

If you're unaware or inexperienced in handling this kind of stuff, then why not participate in this month's National Children's Dental Health Month?

The event is quite useful and educative for parents and their kids and teaches them on how to engage in this particular activity successfully. Each month of February, the American Dental Association or ADA, backs up and funds the National Children's Dental Health Month to increase the awareness levels to children and their parents regarding the importance of maintaining oral health and wellness.

National Children's Dental Health Month's messages and paraphernalia have reached millions of individuals across the globe in different communities. Cultivating good habits and discipline and adhering to regular visits to the dentist will greatly help children get a good start for lifelong well maintained and conditioned teeth and gums.

Regardless if you're working for a dental organization or team, a teacher or a concerned parent, the American Dental Association provides free tools and resources online, including oral health presentations, concepts for viable classroom projects, coloring and activity sheets that may be utilized as handouts. ADA also provides booklets, pamphlets, tutorial videos and other tools that you can buy through the organization's catalog.

For the 2012 National Children's Dental Health Month campaign, ADA aims to bring together thousands if not millions of committed dental experts and practitioners and healthcare providers to promote and spread awareness regarding the benefits of maintaining good oral condition to children, parents, teachers and so on (if you search informations about dental bleaching, take a look at "tanden bleken" (in dutch language, just use the translation)). ­

This year's posters for the event feature the slogan "Rock Your Smile" on both sides of the posters. The poster displays the McGrinn Twins, Flossy and Buck, alongside their neighbors and best friends Den and Gen Smiley. In the poster, the group of friends are dancing and singing joyfully to a healthy smile.

At the other end, teens are listening to their music while rocking with a smile. This expressive and flexible poster will help dental health advocates and speakers address the topic more appropriately and effectively to both age groups. You can download the story of the McGrinn Twins online free of charge and in PDF format, with an English and Spanish version.

The National Children's Dental Health Month Program Planning Guidelines provide program facilitators, dental organizations, teachers and parents with resources that can help in promoting the advantages of keeping good oral condition and wellness starting at an early age. The guide comprises of facts, easy-to-do activities, and timetable tips and so on.

wednesday, march 26. 2025 - (week 13)
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